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Details about our tuition and policies.
TUITION 2024-2025
Annual Registration Fee
$35.00 single dancer
$55.00 family (two or more dancers)
7 or more hours per week: $398.50 per month
Single/Drop In class rate: $25.00 per class
Private Lessons Available- Contact the studio for details.
Class Hours | Total Tuition 2024-2025 | 10 Monthly Payments: August through May |
30-45 minutes | $620 | $62.00 |
1 | $625 | $62.50 |
1.25 | $780 | $78.00 |
1.5 | $935 | $93.50 |
1.75 | $1,080 | $108.00 |
2 | $1,185 | $118.50 |
2.25 | $1,325 | $132.50 |
2.5 | $1,465 | $146.50 |
2.75 | $1,605 | $160.50 |
3 | $1,745 | $174.50 |
3.25 | $1,885 | $188.50 |
3.5 | $2,025 | $202.50 |
3.75 | $2,165 | $216.50 |
4 | $2,305 | $230.50 |
4.25 | $2,445 | $244.50 |
4.5 | $2,585 | $258.50 |
4.75 | $2,725 | $272.50 |
5 | $2,865 | $286.50 |
5.25 | $3005 | $300.50 |
5.5 | $3,145 | $314.50 |
5.75 | $3,285 | $328.50 |
6.0 | $3,425 | $342.50 |
- Tuition is based on an annual amount, and paid in a 10 installment payment plan (August through May). Monthly tuition payments are due on the 1st of each month. Each monthly tuition amount is the same regardless of the number of classes per month.
- All accounts must have a valid credit/debit card on file.
- Online registration will automatically default the account to autopay.
- Tuition is due by the 1st of each month and is considered late by the 8th of the month. Payments received after the due date are subject to a late fee of $15 per month. Late fees will be automatically added to your account.
- Tuition is not prorated due to missed classes, holidays, or breaks.
- There is a non-refundable registration fee of $35 per single student or $55 per family (2 or more dancers).
- We accept credit and debit cards from Visa, MasterCard, and American Express for payments over $25.
- All invoices will be sent to the account electronically through email.
- There is a $30 service charge for any returned checks. Once a check has been returned for nonpayment, only cash payments will be accepted.
- No personal checks will be accepted after April 1st. Cash or credit/debit card payments only.
- We do not accept post-dated checks.
- The studio reserves the right to suspend a student’s participation in classes if their account is in arrears.
- All accounts must be current prior to participation in our spring performances.
- We encourage students and families to attend class for the entire season. This allows the students to experience consistency of learning and growth in dance as well as personal skills.The studio does not issue refunds to enrolled students for classes missed due to illness, vacation, religious observance, or for any other reason. Any missed classes can be made up during the season prior to April 1, 2024.
- If a student chooses to drop a class or withdraw from the program entirely, a withdrawal form must be completed, as tuition will continue to accumulate until the Withdrawal Form has been completed and signed. The changes become effective the first of the following month. In the event of withdrawal from the program, no refunds are given.
Registration is accepted through our online portal at or in person at the studio during business hours.
1. Classes
- Consistent and prompt attendance is very important for the progress of all dancers. Please make every effort to have your child attend every class.
- The studio does not issue refunds or credits due to illness, vacations, religious observances, extended travel or for any other reason deemed non-refundable by Starz In Motion Dance School.
- In the event of absence, a student may attend a make-up class (schedule permitting) within a month of the missed class.
- There will be no make-up classes after April 1, 2025.
- To arrange a make-up class, it is the parent’s responsibility to contact the studio or to go through their online account. In the event that a student will be absent for illness or other emergency, we encourage you to call the studio in advance.
2. Spring Performance Preparation
- The culmination of all skills learned during the school year is the year-end performance. Preparation for this event begins in February.
- To ensure that the entire class learns the choreography for each routine, consistent attendance during the final months of the school year is imperative. Inconsistent attendance may result in dismissal from the year end performance at the discretion of the studio director.
- If a student is removed from the spring performance due to poor attendance, the school will not refund any portion of the tuition, costumes or tickets.
All newsletters, reminders, and statements/invoices will be emailed to each parent/guardian for each account. We strongly recommend that all parents/guardians check their emails regularly. Information may also be posted in our lobby. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to be aware of important dates and all studio activities. Please inform us of any address, telephone, or email changes throughout the year.
- Attire
- All students are expected to observe the school’s dress code.
- Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children’s dancewear, footwear and hair are appropriate for the class taken.
- Female students must have their hair completely secured in a bun or ponytail for all classes.
- Dance instructors have the discretion to remove any student from class whose attire does not comport with the dress code or whose clothing or hair poses a safety hazard to the student or to the rest of the class.
- Classroom Behavior
- Students should be ready for class and dressed in required attire and shoes no less than ten minutes before class begins.
- Students who are more than 10 minutes late for class may be asked to observe class only.
- For safety reasons, no jewelry is permitted to be worn in class. The students may not bring toys, dolls, or any other objects into the classrooms at any time. No chewing gum permitted in class.
- Proper behavior is expected of all students before, during and after classes. Students are expected to be polite, courteous and respectful towards their teachers as well as their fellow students. There is no talking permitted during class. Teachers have the discretion to dismiss a disruptive student from the class in the event of improper behavior.
- Students experiencing physical or emotional problems, which prevent their full participation in a class, may observe class with a note of explanation from their parent or doctor.
- Parental Supervision
- Parents are expected to monitor both dancers and siblings at all times. Parents are responsible for their children’s behavior. There shall be no running or yelling in the hallways, waiting room, dressing room or dance studios. Visiting children, including siblings of the enrolled student, are not permitted in empty studios at any time.
- Parents may arrive no more than 15 minutes before class begins. Parents must pick up their children no more than 15 minutes after the class has ended. The studio cannot be responsible for supervising children who are left alone or unattended when subsequent classes begin.
- Dressing Rooms and Common Areas
- Both parents and students are expected to keep the common areas neat and tidy. Starz In Motion dance School is not responsible for personal items left in the studio.
- Due to fire codes, the hallways may not be blocked by any objects or persons at any time.
- Disciplinary Action
- Students who repeatedly disregard the dress code, miss class, or disrupt classes with improper behavior may be discharged from the school and the year-end performance at the sole discretion of the management, with or without warning.
- No refund of tuition, costumes or tickets will be given for any student who is discharged for improper conduct.
- We would appreciate your cooperation in keeping our studio clean.
- While we request there be NO food or drinks in the studio, we understand that it is sometimes necessary due to scheduling.
- Please be considerate and clean up any remaining food, drink, or trash you may leave behind.
- DO NOT leave soiled diapers in the garbage cans.
- Students should use the bathroom before or after class only, unless it is an emergency.
- If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to discuss it with us whenever it does not interfere with a class. We will be happy to arrange a time when we can speak with you.
Students are placed in class by ability and not by age alone or previous years’ experience.
Proper class placement is essential in the continual progress of students.
Starz In Motion Dance School reserves the right to make a final determination of each dancer’s level.
The insignia of the class is for identification only. The pace of each class is geared to the ability of the class as a whole.
To safeguard the physical development of each dancer, it is important that they attend class with students of similar abilities and experience. Please do not sacrifice correct class placement for car pools, other activities.
New students with prior experience should call the studio for proper class placement.
One-on-one training is available to every student who wishes to improve their technique as well as self confidence. A private lesson allows our dance educators quality time to devote to your child and help them improve any areas of weakness.
Private lessons are also available to prepare dancers for talent shows, school plays, etc.
To schedule a private lesson, please contact the studio.
Dance educators may give dancers both verbal and physical corrections in order for them to improve their skills. Dance educators may need to correct dancers by lightly touching their arm, foot, leg, hip or back to correct their position.
Starz In Motion Dance School reserves the right to substitute or replace a dance educator when necessary.
Starz In Motion Dance School reserves the right to combine or cancel classes due to insufficient registration. Refunds will be issued only in the event that a class is canceled due to insufficient registration.
Any shoes and clothing left in the building will be placed in the Lost and Found at the end of the day. The Lost and Found will be emptied at the end of every month.
Dance is a performing art and the extension of class to stage. Our performances are professional and well planned. Classes will be assigned one of two performances. You will receive information concerning rehearsal and performance dates, costumes, and tickets via email. Costumes for all spring performances are distributed only when all outstanding payment balances have been reconciled.
All Parents/Guardians are responsible to make sure that their dancer enters the facility upon arrival. Do not leave dancers unattended in the parking lot. Parents/Guardians must make sure that their dancer arrives promptly for class and is picked up promptly after class. Starz In Motion Dance School is not responsible for monitoring students after class concludes. If you are running late to pick up your dancer, contact the studio to inform us.
We love when our dancers refer their friends to the studio! When you refer a friend and they enroll for the full season, you will receive a $25 credit toward your account. It’s our way of saying “thank you” for the confidence you have in our program.
How to Receive Your Credit: Ask your referrals to include your name in the “How Did You Hear Details” box on the registration form.
COVID-19 Protocols
- One parent/guardian will be permitted entry to the studio for dancers ages 6 and under. All other dancers will be dropped off and picked up outside the studio.
- Masks will be required upon entry into the studio and must be worn at all times.
- All faculty, staff, dancers, and parents/guardians will be temperature screened using a non-contact thermometer upon entry into the studio.
- All faculty, staff and dancers will be required to use hand sanitizer before and after class.
- Dancers will be permitted to bring their dance shoes in a small bag and a water bottle only into class.
- Thorough sanitizing and cleaning of all studios and common areas.
- Six-foot squares have been set up in each studio for social distance dancing.
- Thank you for working together to minimize risk, keep our staff and dancers safe, and keep our studio operational! Please continue to check our website for additional updates, and do not hesitate to reach out with any questions that you might have to [email protected].